上一篇: 【TOEIC】多益復習800分的準備 - 第4天(從600分進步到800分計劃) 目錄: 【TOEIC】多益復習800分的準備 - 從600分進步到800分計劃 - 目錄 前言 今天是Part5。從Part5開始,是完全筆試部分。 聽力到Part4就已經結束了。 正文 P139 The workers hope they can take more days off. 這裏就不能使用themselves。 注意只有 The workers themselves selected the company logo. The workers selected the company logo themselves . 這樣使用。 P141 Although the rain became heavier, the race continued. 這一題其實我不理解爲什麽不能用Despite。 但是Despite的日文解釋是 にもかかわらず ,從語義上講,是 與...無關 。 簡體翻譯成了 儘管但是 ,感覺很不準確, Despite 的真正意思應該是 與...無關() 。. Although it was raining heavily, we went out. Although日文對應~だが。. Despite the flood, he tried to go to work. P143 as politely as possible as quickly as possible polite 形容詞 politely 副詞 P144 rasie awareness of ○○ issues physiotherapist 物理治療師 P145 慣用搭配(請務必記住) consecutive days 連續幾天 rigid control 嚴格的管理 rigid steps 嚴格的措施 equivalent to 100 dollars 與100美金相等 vulnerable to scratching 易被刮傷 utter silence 完全寂靜 utter control 完全支配 abundant in fish 魚類豐富 tentative steps 暫定措施 key vari...